Saturday, September 29, 2012

Duties and Blogs


Its been a while so let me just say hi. Hiiii :))
So as i promised, i will talk about our Operating Room duty a few weeks back.

Prepurr to be healed
So, we as a group had our duty at our GTLMH (Gregorio T. Lluch Memorial Hospital) or known as City Hospital. What was interesting about this duty is that its my group's first OR duty except for me! The reason is that i am the new guy to our group this semester. And to my surprise, every time my group was scheduled for an OR duty, it was cancelled or turned into any other duty assignment. I had plenty of OR duties with my previous group, i am not that skilled on the operating room but i am quite familiar with the setting. It was a rule that students without a case in the special areas (Operating and Delivery Room) were the first ones to have a case if ever there was one scheduled. So i assumed that i was to be the last one on the list but Sir Art Escabarte (Our assigned C.I.) gave me the first case! I was changing to my special area uniform slowly and reluctantly until Sir Art said i was to have my case now! I quickly changed to my proper clothing and scrubbed in. The operation was to remove an ovary and Fallopian tube of a female patient. Luckily, the staff scrub nurse was so kind and reminded me of the instruments to be used. The operation was a success and i was able to go through the entire operation better than i expected. My groupmates said it was their first time but judging the way they handled their cases, you could say that they were more than ready. I had a case and that made the OR duty that worthwhile. At the moment, I have 4 cases and I need six, 3 circulating nurse and 3 scrub nurse. Operating room nurses are so amazing because the way they keep their cool in any situation is really impressive but if ever I will work for a hospital, I want to be an emergency nurse just because of the action and adrenaline. So that was all for my OR duty, and by the way. Our LMR (one of our subjects) teacher had us write 3 blogs, one blog about leadership, the other one about management and the last one about nursing ethics. Patriz, my girlfriend also did 3 posts so please comment on her entries. Here is her link: Thank you so much! :D

So until next time, this is nekolei signing out :) Im off!
Off to Neverland!

Saturday, September 15, 2012



Its been a while guys so let me fill you in on what big things happened:
1) Palakasan 2012 just happened a while back and we ranked 3rd overall and i was in the Chamber theater event which we ranked 1st! OH YEAH!!! for more information about the palakasan, just visit Patriz's blog or simply clicking :D
2) Duties! I will talk more about this when our tomorrow (Sunday) duty at the Operating Room is finished.
3) Review, specifically the Brunner (Our Textbook's author but that's what we call our textbook) summary which is due this month. The sad part is that there are two, yes TWO! 2! Ni (japanese)! dalawa (filipino)! duha (visayan)! VOLUMES!! Now i'm screwed T^T
So, ill be talking more about the last two topics next time so for now, we go to more pressing matters. I wanna talk about an evil entity which has haunted man for many generations. They were thought to bring us joy, laughter, and happy meals...Yes, i'm talking about CLOWNS!!!!!
Good Luck with that

That's just one of the evil faces they posses. I'm not saying that all are evil, its just that they really freak me out. Especially if someone says that one will watch me in my sleep or something, then that person wants me to have intentional insomnia. I not beating on clowns here, i'm just saying that they freak me out in a really near- traumatic way. Don't get me wrong, clowns are important to us even in our economy. Take Mcdonals's for example, i'm pretty sure that the economy is feeding off their Big Macs and fried chicken. And one more thing, what says happy better than a clown holding a happy meal? 0_0
So i respect clowns, i just don't like them. It's just that simple. If you are planning to give me a gift, don't take the clown smiling straight at you with its dead cold eyes and his bloody red lipstick grinning, pick the less traumatic- causing one. So to clowns out there, you have my respect because it's not an easy industry but please, and i'm emphasizing this : DON'T STARE AT ME! if you are really meant for joy and laughter, then i hope you hear what i'm trying to say. OKAY?? thanks

So, this is it for now and thanks for having the time to read my entries. This is nekolei, until next time, signing out :)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Obtaining Success in your Nursing Practice

Obtaining Success in your Nursing Practice

Studying for four years, taking multiple exams, enduring long hours of duties just to become the nurse that students strive for so much. But by being just a nurse is not the essence of studying nursing but the taking care people, making their recovery less painful and promoting their state of well- being is the true target of being a nurse. More than having those beliefs, you must possess something that will grant you success in you practice. And that is having the right attitude, the right attitude is by far the most the effective way to perform properly in any job you want to have. So, having the right set of attitudes and outlook will give you that fruitful job that few people are allowed to enjoy. But what are these attitudes? Are they really that important? These questions will be answered in a moment’s notice. So without further delay, let me tell impart to you this knowledge.

·         Rules and Regulation- These rules are not there to make your life that much more miserable, but they are actually there to prevent you from getting into accidents and mistakes. But more importantly, they serve as guide on the institution’s protocol and regulations. By simply, following the rules, your work will be more enjoyable. 
Obey the law
·         The Room To Learn And Grow- We are all professionals but not perfect, so permitting yourself to learn from your colleagues and your mistakes will make you more knowledgeable of your work. Ultimately, your job will become easier and make your tasks less of pain and more of a gain.
·         The Positive Outlook- There will always come a time that in your job, you will be confronted by a problem so enigmatic that it becomes too hard for you to handle. But remember, keeping your cool and maintaining that positive outlook could save you and your job. Because if ever the opposite happens, you lose your focus, your thinking and eventually you job. So as much as possible, be a happy but appropriate bee.
·         Open Your Ears To Others- Hearing out what others have to say is never a bad thing to do. Because it is through them that you can spot your mistakes, correct the wrong and grow as a professional. Always be open- minded to opinions because they can help you by so much in your job.
·         Keep The Communication Going- This is not only applicable to your co- workers but also to your patients. Talking will allow bonds to grow and significant relationships to blossom. This makes your job so much easier and that more enjoyable to do. Because having that and extra chat or laugh is what keeps us going with our job.
·         Respect The Person- Colleague or patient, respect them. Because it is through this that true collaboration between co-worker, nurse and patient can be achieved. This will result to a more fruitful performance at work.

Having the smarts is not enough to be a good nurse; it must be paired with the right attitude. It’s always true that attitude goes a very long way. Keep your attitudes in check and surely, at the end of the shift or your day, you’ll come out happier and more satisfied.

The Manager


The Manager

Upon hearing the word, the first thing that pops in our heads is things such as companies, businesses, and etc. But managers aren’t just all that, they are an important part in our society, especially the industry and economy of the government. Sadly, this word is most of the time confused with the word leader. Make no mistake; managers are completely different from leaders. Managers are individuals who lead the team’s direction, usually call the shots and make the decisions. Leaders may also function this way but they are more on inspiring than commanding. Managers are a vital piece to the success to any organization who wants to focus on profit and/or recognition. Managers are easy to spot because they are usually the smart and authoritative people. But what actually drove these people to the managerial role? Is there a specific reason for taking up such responsibilities? To answer these questions, here is a list of the possible reasons or benefits, individuals use as motivation to take up the role as a manager.

·         The Paycheck- Yes, the money! We work for money, because the world functions influenced by money. People eat, live and enjoy because of money. So it may not be a surprise that people take up the managerial role for the cash. Because managers earn much especially if they work for a high- profile company. Being a manager may not be a bad idea if you want to have that stuffed piggy bank.
·         Instincts- Some people are just born to be managers. Their smart, precise, and strict personality usually allows them to command people without reasoning back. Because they are usually smart, they quickly attract the admiration and respect of their peers, making them able to take over a project in a snap.
·         The recognition- People are born managers, some are motivated by money but some are do it for the prestige. The feeling of heading a successful project, so risky and big makes just want that manager spot so badly. The recognition from your peers is just enough of a drive to make people be managers.
·         Ideas Abound- Smart people are usually the ones coming up with the new ideas and the new trends. And being a manager will grant you the ability to make those ideas of yours to life. Some people just want their ideas to go from their head and into reality. So, by being a manager you can vent out those ideas of yours and model them to your liking.
·         Training Grounds- Usually, great company owners started out as managers. Because being a manager can be effective training on how you can run your own company someday. Also, because company owners must think of the profit their organization makes, it is sensible to be a manager first. Because their function and goal is not that far off from each other.

It may seem that managers are people who only think of profit they make but it is because of people like them that keeps our economy running, and our company healthy. Without these people, our economy would be going down fast. These are just some of the few benefits of being a manager and I know there are still a lot more left unmentioned. Being the good or bad manager, you must always know where your priorities lie.

Secrets Of Leadership


Secrets of Leadership

Barack Obama, Osama Bin Laden, Adolf Hitler, Mahatma Ghandi- this set of individuals are significant to a lot of people in different ways. But what sets them apart from normal people is their ability to lead or their leadership. Leadership is a characteristic only a few posses. Inherited or learned, the ability to lead is something not everyone can do. But believe it or not, there are actually ways or secrets on becoming a good leader. So simply put, these are ways to help you to become that great leader that you so badly want to be. So being that new Barack Obama may not be as hard as you think. So without further ado, allow me to discuss these so called secrets.
           Having Smart Followers- Great leaders achieve great things because of having smart followers. It’s no longer enough having just followers, but having smart followers equals more success. Smart followers say “I think we should do this” rather than “What should I do?”.
·         Spread the intiative- What this means is imparting initiative to your followers. As the saying goes: “2 heads are better than 1”. Having more people take the initiative and think of new ideas makes tasks easier accomplished.
·         Coach your followers- The leader usually is the most knowledgeable about the task at hand. So giving your followers the necessary tips can hasten up the task to be finished. Also, this will promote your followers to do things independently.
·         Keep the communication going- The leader must be the advocate to good flow of communication. Because through this, leaders and followers can learn more about themselves and know how to function around each other. This then results to efficient performance in the tasks given.
·         Motivated by goal- The leader must impart to the followers that the job must be goal- motivated. Because through this, followers will be more focused on the task itself. This also develops responsibility in your followers.
·         Great followers anticipate- This is so important for followers to posses because it makes followers that more responsible and having them make plans before the leader makes one can make the task more faster to finish and that more efficient to do.
·         Justice makes prosperity- A good leader is smart; an effective leader is fair and just. Always treat your followers the same as all others, because this will create a good image of you in their heads. Thus, this will make following and respecting you that much easier to do.

      You may have noticed that some secrets are more about the follower. These tips are true and effective because a good leader is defined by the output and impression he gets out from his subordinates. The followers are as equally important as the leader, because without the knowledge of the subordinates, leaders will function differently. Definitely, these tips will help you and make you a better leader. But you must remember that it all boils down to how good of a person you are. Be yourself, and trust  yourself and your subordinates, that will equal to being a great leader.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


I used to laugh whenever this show is on because its just so incredible that a mouse can outsmart a cat like 9 out of ten times. But the weird part is that Tom keeps on running and chasing after Jerry but both of them never seem to slim down! If I was Tom or Jerry, after all that running I would look something like this:
I'm just saying, it could be possible. We'll enough about me in the future, let's talk about me today. Earlier this morning me and my girlfriend, Patriz went for a jog! Yeah, you read it right, a JOG! Maybe that me in the future isn't so far off, kidding. So, we met up at a great jogging track near San Miguel Children's Park which is actually near their house. So we jogged for about a good 30 minutes, running around the track and I noticed that I really was getting tired early. So I really need to shape up! We completed our jog, doing several rounds before playing basketball.
We both are trying out to make the College Basketball team, so why not train together, it's only logical. So we first did some drills, like for dribbling, passing, and shooting. We then had our much anticipated one-on-one mach! It was race to 7 points, we had a tied score at 2-2 but she eventually pulled ahead and took the game.
After the game, we both were so tired (by we, I mean me, myself) we had to take a breather at her house for a couple of minutes. I sat down on their couch and avoided lying down because I didn't want the sweating nor smell sticking. Soooooo, overall we had a good time, and hopefully we can do it to a day-to-day basis. So, until next time, this is nekolei signing out..

P.S. Oh yeah, still getting the hang of this blog thing, so I apologize for any mistakes I make while Blogging T^T


My First Time 

Hey there, I am Nekolei a 20-year old male college student in the Philippines. Actually, this is my first time doing a blog because my girlfriend- Patriz wanted me to have one. So i thought about it and said, "What the heck?", so here I am. I'm still new to this and also new to Blogger. I'm still figuring how things work around here and hopefully it won't be too long for me to get used to Blogger and blogging.

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